I only wear one shirt AGAIN, this time for detox

I’ve written many times previously about my love of dressing simply.

Here’s where I talk all about only wearing one shirt.

(I don’t do this anymore, but it was very helpful for awhile with young kids.)

So awhile back, I was feeling overwhelmed.  It was right after Black Friday and Cyber Monday and small business day and charitable giving day and whatever else that I’m forgetting.

I tried not to get sucked into the sales.  I really did.  But it was hard with every single website I follow publishing round ups of AMAZING deals and FANTASTIC bargains.  Particularly when you could save on stuff you would be buying anyway . . .

I made it out with minimal damage, but I still felt overloaded on stuff.  Wanting stuff.  Clicking about stuff.  All the stuff.

So what did I do?  My own version of a detox.  I wore the same shirt.  For several days.

Wanna see?

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