What’s Been Saving My Life in the 4th Trimester

This post is a bit late (story of my life these days) because I somehow have a six month old now, but I’ve been thinking about what was super duper helpful in those first few months.  You know, besides having an incredible partner and supportive friends and people bringing me food.

Also, besides hitting the pool as much as possible.  Just like when I was pregnant, I started going to the pool as soon as I was cleared.  Even though I wasn’t thrilled about being in a swimsuit, I did love just being in my body and moving in the water.  It felt good.  Continues to feel good.  Oh, you don’t have year round, convenient pool access?  I know.  This is something we are very fortunate with here.

BUT I promise the rest of these are things you can use for your own fourth trimester or to support the new mamas in your life.  In no particular order . . .

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Let’s talk about podcasts

Are you doing podcasts?  What are you listening to?  When do you listen?

I’ve gone from not understanding how to listen to podcasts at all to figuring out Stitcher and now listening every chance I can.  Usually this is while I’m cooking, doing chores, or getting ready.

I keep thinking I’m going to make it through my backlog of podcasts, but I never do.  They just show up faster than I can listen.  Here are some of my favorites, and I’d love to hear what you’re into!  Even though I don’t have space for more, I’m always up to try.

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